
We search for representatives of the enterprise from all Lithuania!

We search for representatives of the enterprise from all Lithuania! Also we search for partners in Lithuania. More information by phone: +370 616 55995 or by e-mail:


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The address:
"Gariunai" market, Gariūnų Str. 71 (243rd platform) Vilnius, Lithuania

Trade in trailers:
Phone: +370 616 55995

Spare parts:
Phone: +370 616 55995

Rent of trailers:
Phone: +370 682 43663


We work:
I-V: 9-17 h.
VI: 9-14 h.


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BF7522 trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BF7522 trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BF7522 trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BF7522 trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BF7522 trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BF7522 trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BF7522 trailer

Total mass [kg]Weight of the trailer [kg]
Dimensions [cm] AxesWheels
LengthWidthHeight of boards
75017523010735uniaxial165/70 R13

The trailer Niewiadow BF7522, length 230cm., width 107cm., board height 35cm. The back board opens, the bottom from a sea plate, a nonslipping surface, on a floor board 4 loops for fastening.

Price: 666.13 EUR - Nemokamas lankytojų skaitliukas