
We search for representatives of the enterprise from all Lithuania!

We search for representatives of the enterprise from all Lithuania! Also we search for partners in Lithuania. More information by phone: +370 616 55995 or by e-mail:


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The address:
"Gariunai" market, Gariūnų Str. 71 (243rd platform) Vilnius, Lithuania

Trade in trailers:
Phone: +370 616 55995

Spare parts:
Phone: +370 616 55995

Rent of trailers:
Phone: +370 682 43663


We work:
I-V: 9-17 h.
VI: 9-14 h.


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BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Priekabos SYLAND, NIEWIADOW, TANO * Priekabu nuoma * Lizingas * Priekabos dalys * BE7323T trailer

Total mass [kg]Weight of the trailer [kg]
Dimensions [cm] AxesWheels
LengthWidthHeight of boards
75020023313239The biaxial155/70 R13

The biaxial Trailer Niewiadow BE7323T, length 233cm. Width 132cm. Board height 39cm. The zinced design, torsion axes, forward and back boards open, easily acting in film lateral boards, probably to use a trailer as a platform, to carry non-standard cargoes. The bottom from a sea plate, a nonslipping surface, waterproof. On a floor board of 4 loops for fastening.

Price: 1,129.52 EUR - Nemokamas lankytojų skaitliukas